Webinar: The email time bomb
Why Google's latest update puts your email at risk
As an IT provider, we make it our responsibility to ensure our customers are aware of the latest changes that will affect their business.
A DMARC policy is one of these changes.
Major email providers like Google and Yahoo are tightening restrictions on spam, and these changes will have a major impact on email.
It is now a requirement to have something called a DMARC policy in place.
There are two incredibly important reasons for this.
1. Without a DMARC policy in place, emails may stop reaching inboxes.
2. Unless a DMARC policy is set up properly, attackers can impersonate your emails. This means they could use your email in phishing attacks, potentially ruining your reputation.
In response to the changes and to help keep our customers informed and secure, we are hosting a webinar to share further information on how to keep your emails reaching inboxes and protected from impersonation.
Webinar: Tuesday 16th of July, 11am
It’s a free, short session and we strongly advise all our customers to join.
Sign up here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/7017194965280/WN_PIzzc9xlSiCJl-Q-C-oJPw
Updated: 26th June 2024
David Furnevall
Digital Content & Marketing Executive @ Aspire. I help you find solutions to your business tech challenges.