Servers are expensive, take up space and require maintenance. We provide cloud-based servers that are always up-to-date, well-managed and secure.
Cloud based servers. Your current data available any time, from anywhere, on any device.
Reduce your IT overhead. Our certified engineers will keep your server running at optimum levels at all times.
We'll keep your server updated and protected so your business is safe against cyber threats.
You'll get all the benefits of having a server on site without any of the drawbacks.
Plus, our servers are scalable so you can add or remove capacity at any time - perfect for businesses that are constantly growing and evolving.
You can access them from anywhere in the world, so you never have to worry about your data again.
We know that backing up your data is the most important thing you can do to protect your business. Our cloud-based solution makes it easy to look after your data quickly and easily, so you can rest assured that your data is safe.
We can also help you make sure your business is compliant with data retention laws and that your backups are done in a way that meets both your needs and legal compliance.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Without a written backup policy, it can be difficult to ensure that all data is deleted from your systems in compliance with GDPR. Our back-up solutions can help you manage GDPR requirements.
The thousands of emails your business generates can quickly add up.
We offer both archiving solutions and backup solutions for all your emails:
"We believe that the backbone of your business should always be backup"
Mark Hodgkinson Technical Director (IT)